El Humor en la relación asistencial

El Humor en la relación asistencial - Jorge L. Tizón - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 215 g

This book aims to collect and re-evaluate the importance and usefulness of humor in the care relationship, and provide an incipient "manual" of comedy and humor in the relationship between doctor and patient. According to Blight, the sense of humor can help release excessive anxiety or to stop too tight situations, to open new possibilities for the care relationship, and explore the degree of development of the personality of the client. However, not all forms of humor are appropriate, or the use of humor is indicated in all cases. Blight offers a first approach to the use of humor in the care relationship, based on spontaneity although subject to some control through affective and cognitive framing appropriate care.


Book: El Humor en la relación asistencial

ISBN: 842542402X
Precio de lista: $505.00
Descuento: 30%