El invencible

El invencible - Stanisław Lem - Impedimenta
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The Invincible is a brutal enigma, a wonderful adventure full of unbeatable descriptions on a planet as strange as it is dangerous. Ethical discussion or ecological excuse, the novel relates the consequences of the abuse of technologies and its consequent impact on a future that is closer than what we are able to imagine.

The Invincible is the name of the enormous interstellar ship that sets out to meet its twin, the impressive and warlike Condor. The latter, lost on Regis III, an isolated and uninhabited planet, will cause waves of vital anguish in both those who survived and those who come to her aid in an abrupt, devastating and violent way. Nanobots, space travel, swarm intelligence, and artificial evolution are cited in this ruthless and gruesome tale of human survival. The cosmos is in The Invincible the center of human thought. Man's utopia, the search for truth and the ...read more


Book: El invencible

ISBN: 9788417553937
Precio de lista: $440.00
Descuento: 10%