El joven Marx

Los Manuscritos de 1844

El joven Marx - Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez - Itaca
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 250 g

Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez introduced in Mexico the renewal of Marxism sparked by the rediscovery of the young Marx, especially the manuscripts of 1844.

The work that we now offer to the reader in a new revised and expanded edition with an epilogue by the author masterfully guides us through Marx's first criticism of capitalist society and allows us to appreciate the relevance of the results that since then guided the construction of his critical project, namely: that the criticism of private property is the starting point of the communist proletarian program of overcoming all alienation and that its objective is the humanization of the senses and the relationship between the sexes and of society with nature.

In his commentary, Sánchez Vázquez critically covers the various positions regarding the 1844 manuscripts and places them in the debate around the burning problems of o...read more


Book: El joven Marx

ISBN: 9786073004763