El lenguaje de los derechos

El lenguaje de los derechos - Juan Antonio Cruz Parcero - Trotta
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The concern for ensuring adequate protection of certain human values ​​has led to a struggle for rights and recognition, security and implementation. The phenomenon called expansion or proliferation, following the end of World War II, the demand picture has generated new individual and collective rights and has managed to capture many of them both in international conventions and treaties and domestic laws. Talk of rights has become commonplace, but the way we talk about the rights depends heavily on the historical role they have had some theories and concepts advocated by jurists and philosophers. Today coexist different conceptions of rights that largely determine the ways in which we talk about them and the communication barriers between different groups of speakers (lawyers, politicians, internationalists, NGOs, etc.).

The purpose of this book is to analyze some important ...read more


Book: El lenguaje de los derechos

ISBN: 9786078126897
Precio de lista: $460.00
Descuento: 25%