El libro del dolor y del amor

El libro del dolor y del amor - Juan  David Nasio - Gedisa
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Weight: 15.5 g

An innovative contribution of great importance for the understanding of psychic pain, which extends theories Frued and Lacan Assign a symbolic value to a pain itself is the real pure, brutal, hostile and strange emotion is, after all, the only therapeutic gesture that can make bearable ... Given a state of deep pain, psychoanalyst acts as if taught to dance, avoiding missteps, loss of momentum and patient falls, until it can find its own pace. "The psychic pain is a dark feeling, hard to define ... Your uncertain nature confronts us with the challenge of grasping an affection which is beyond the mind." The author provides in this book a metapsychology of pain, only satisfactory theoretical approach to explain the mechanism of the formation of psychic pain. The pain, whether physical or mental, is always a limit phenomenon. Throughout these pages will be seen that always emerge at the ...read more


Book: El libro del dolor y del amor

ISBN: 9788474326399
Precio de lista: $740.00
Descuento: 20%