It is frequent, and very explicable, that when you recreate the image of Luther as a writer you think about his controversial and doctrinal works. However, he also gave away writings of profound spirituality such as The Magnificat. The year 1521 was very fruitful for him literarily. His forced exile in the castle of Wartburg, after being condemned by Rome, allowed him to translate the New Testament into German and comment on the Magnificat. In this task, Luther experiences the enthusiasm for the greatness of God, who has used a humble woman to carry out his great work: the incarnation of the Son. And it is that in Mary everything is a free gift, pure grace, happiness that springs from the divine gaze. When looking at God, there are undoubtedly the flashes of contemplation that appear in The Magnificat and that come so close to the mystical experiences of Teresa of Jesus or of Juan de ...read more