El nacimiento de una contracultura

El nacimiento de una contracultura - Theodore Roszak - Kairós
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

Here is a book that is being devoured by America's college youth. Book that can give us the key to one of the most mysterious and exciting phenomena of our time: the birth, in full technocratic boom, of a strange and young counterculture. A still chaotic and stammering counterculture, but antidogmatic and creative, which aspires to a realization of all the possibilities of the human being, including - or novelty! - the most spiritual.

Certainly, this is not the first time, throughout history, that centaurs attack the temple of Apollo; It is not the first time that the "outcasts" of the "system" have tried to alter their cultural context. What is new in the case is that this movement is not led today by the disinherited of fortune, but by the privileged children of societies. The birth of a counterculture is probably the most lucid and mature analysis written about this phenomen...read more



Book: El nacimiento de una contracultura

ISBN: 9788472450462
Precio de lista: $650.00
Descuento: 15%