El patriarcado del salario

Criticas feministas al marxismo

El patriarcado del salario - Silvia Federici - Traficantes de sueños
Publisher name: 
Traficantes de sueños
Year of publication: 

In this compilation of five brilliant essays, Silvia Federici sheds light on the specific forms of exploitation to which women are subjected in capitalism, according to the task that has been assigned to the female worker: the production and reproduction of the workforce, through housework. It is a job in exchange for which no salary is received and, therefore, those who exercise it are placed in a subordinate social position; The nuclear family is based on a hierarchical relationship since it unites a man who has the power of salary with a woman who depends on him. The patriarchy of salary. Feminist critiques of Marxism, she provides fundamental keys to understand the relationships between women and men from the perspective of historical materialism, through a critical reading of Marx's Capital.

Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Economía

Book: El patriarcado del salario

ISBN: 9786079465704