El Pensamiento Trágico de los griegos

Escritos póstumos 1870-1871

El Pensamiento Trágico de los griegos - Friedrich Nietzsche - Biblioteca Nueva
Publisher name: 
Biblioteca Nueva
Year of publication: 
Weight: 240 g
Soft cover

Although posthumous in the strict sense, the writings that we present here are works prior to The Birth of Tragedy, a work that reproduces some of them modified, but under a reworking that hides their traces. In the Introduction, the translator offers us documented information about the influence exerted on Nietzsche by the German romantic tradition, and in particular by Schelling, its most representative philosopher. That influence, recognized until now with respect to the so-called late Schelling, appears detailed even in the Schelling of the Philosophy of Art, and sometimes more than simple influence seems to border on plagiarism. The reader has, therefore, in his hands, some writings whose reading can shed new light on the birth of a philosophy that still today continues to exert a powerful influence on Western thought.


Book: El Pensamiento Trágico de los griegos

ISBN: 9788497421423
Precio de lista: $259.00
Descuento: 20%