El profesor A. Dońda

El profesor A. Dońda - Stanislaw Lem - Impedimenta
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Professor A. Dónda, previously unpublished in Spanish, is a masterful satirical apocalyptic science fiction novel, a literary gem, a bitter farce about our civilization that appears in the midst of the celebration of the Lem Centennial.

The information holocaust has fallen on the planet! Ijon Tichy huddles in front of a cave from which a gorilla has driven him, while he engraves his memories on clay tablets, as the Babylonians did. His colleague, Professor Affidavit Dońda, has made an astonishing discovery: information stored in computers has measurable weight! All the computers in the world have destroyed themselves and this has caused the disappearance of all the computerized data banks on Earth. Although this has caused the collapse of the First World, it has brought enormous relief to the Third. Not only have modern weapons become obsolete, but the global monetary system ha...read more


Book: El profesor A. Dońda

ISBN: 9788418668197
Precio de lista: $330.00
Descuento: 10%