El Reto de la dependencia al envejecer

El Reto de la dependencia al envejecer - Ricardo  Moragas Moragas - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 325 g

First worldwide work health challenges posed by dependency and alternatives for funding. Examines the experience of France and Germany, with specific benefits dependency. Essential to know the alternatives in Spain, reviewed by professional public administration and health insurers. The aging of the human population with independence, autonomy and high quality of life will be one of the great innovations of the third millennium. However, social progress and does not eliminate the problems among older people are dependents whose health and social needs tested social security mechanisms, public and private. On at least two courses at the University of Barcelona in 1998 on "The challenge of aging dependence" there was concern across society, as has happened in Austria, Germany and France, on the quality and funding of services health and social care for elderly dependents. This work incl...read more


Book: El Reto de la dependencia al envejecer

ISBN: 8425421217
Precio de lista: $1,005.00
Descuento: 50%