El sublime Re-torno de la Ideología

De Platón a Žižek

El sublime Re-torno de la Ideología - Ricardo Camargo - Ediciones Metales pesados
Publisher name: 
Ediciones Metales pesados
Year of publication: 

"This book explores the epistemological history of the notion of ideology in the theoretical debate that stretches from Plato to Marx. It is argued that it is only from the modification of the structure of classical philosophical reflection, completed by Marx, when the emergency of ideology, as an original theoretical category, it becomes possible. Then, this paper Aboca to pesquisar both modern formulas
determination of ideology as the most contemporary responses (Laclau, Freeden), tested against the challenge presented by the post-structuralism, to descriptive and negative programs of study of ideology.
Finally this book rehearses the possibility of revitalizing the critique of ideology in post-metaphysical times, through an interweaving between Habermas and Žižek. It concludes with a re-conceptualization of the notion of ideology, recognizing the permanence of the "need...read more


Book: El sublime Re-torno de la Ideología

ISBN: 9789568415440