El suelo de Ruiseñor

Leyendas de los Otori

El suelo de Ruiseñor - Lian Hearn - Quaterni
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 500 g
Soft cover

Takeo, has been created by the Hidden Ones, a peaceful tribe that lives in a remote village in the mountains. What the young man does not know is that his father was a renowned member of the Tribe, an ancient clan with extraordinary supernatural abilities that offer his services as assassins and spies to the Lords of War.

After the defeat in the battle of Yaegahara, the Otori live confined to a narrow strip of territory, but many members of the clan still want revenge and hope that Shigueru, the rightful heir and their lord, will lead them in their uprising against Iida Sadamu. Others, however, would prefer to see him dead.

The beautiful Kaede has been promised to Shigeru to seal the alliance between the Tohan and the Otori. Her combat prowess is such that she could take the life of any man in just a few seconds.

In his impregnable thick-walled castle, Iida Sadamu...read more


Book: El suelo de Ruiseñor

ISBN: 9788412286014
Precio de lista: $348.00
Descuento: 10%