Elogio de la interdependencia

Los vínculos que nos hacen vivir

Elogio de la interdependencia -  AA.VV. - Kairós
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 397 g
Soft cover

We need each other more than ever. Moving forward together makes us happier and more capable of facing life's difficulties. Receiving and giving support are opportunities to strengthen ties, an exchange that is beneficial to both the giver and the recipient.

As the authors develop in this work, positive interdependence helps give meaning to our lives and fosters relationships with others. The awareness of being interdependent facilitates commitment and makes life on this planet more beautiful.

A useful and beautiful book for the couple, the education of our children, the friendly and professional relationships. A book that helps us get closer to each other and strengthen our ties.


Book: Elogio de la interdependencia

ISBN: 9788499888446
Precio de lista: $740.00
Descuento: 15%