Empresas y empresarios en el norte de España

siglo XVIII

Empresas y empresarios en el norte de España -  AA.VV. - Trea
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 670 g
Soft cover

Common geographical, climatic and historical elements allow us to support as an hypothesis of work an economic identity of the north of Spain, from Galicia to Navarre, passing through the Cantabrian regions, an identity that has a long history and is already detected in the eighteenth century, temporal to which this work is consecrated. The successive studies that compose it analyze the economic situation, in general, of the north of Spain in the century illustrated and, in particular, the main business initiatives that during that time took place and those who were its most outstanding protagonists. The different authors of the work, coming from the most prestigious university area of ​​the north of the Iberian peninsula, are depicting an image of eighteenth-century Cantabrian Spain, not least suspected of discovering: the incipient industrialization of the different regions, the dev...read more


Category: All >> Social sciences >> Economy

Book: Empresas y empresarios en el norte de España

ISBN: 9788497045780
Precio de lista: $745.00
Descuento: 25%