En defensa de los animales

En defensa de los animales - Matthieu Ricard - Kairós
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Soft cover

Every year we kill 60 billion land animals and 1 trillion marine animals for our consumption. A massacre without parallel in the history of humanity that poses an ethical challenge of the first magnitude. This unbridled consumption aggravates the problem of hunger in the world, causes ecological imbalances and is harmful to our health.

In addition, we exploit animals for purely venal reasons (wildlife trafficking), for scientific research or for mere entertainment (bullfights, circuses, zoos, etc.).

What if the time had come to consider animals not as inferior beings but as our planetary “fellow citizens”? We live in an interdependent world in which the fate of each living being is intimately linked to that of others.

This enlightening essay makes current knowledge about animals and our way of treating them available to everyone. An invitation to change our mental...read more


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Book: En defensa de los animales

ISBN: 9788499884608