En el mundo interior del capital

Para una teoría filosófica de la globalización

En el mundo interior del capital - Peter Sloterdijk - Siruela
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Year of publication: 
Soft cover

To the connection between story and philosophy, which constitutes the most outstanding feature of Peter Sloterdijk's books, it is necessary to add the fact that at the beginning of the 21st century there is something radically revolutionary with regard to globalization. This is because the author takes seriously the historical-philosophical consequences that are linked to the image of the Earth as a globe, proposing the thesis that what is praised or condemned as globalization is the final phase of a process and of that it is already possible to detect elements of a new epoch after globalization. In the final phase of globalization, the world system has fully developed and, as a capitalist system, determines all the circumstances of life. The Crystal Palace in London, the site of the first Universal Exhibition of 1851, serves Sloterdijk as a metaphor for this situation: the palace put...read more


Book: En el mundo interior del capital

ISBN: 9788417996123
Precio de lista: $870.00
Descuento: 25%