Ensayos sobre las discordias

Ensayos sobre las discordias - Hans Magnus Enzensberger - Anagrama
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Soft cover

These three essays by Hans Magnus Enzensberger, written between 1992 and 2006 and accompanied by a coda in the form of a parable written in 2015, offer us a clarifying perspective on our time from the account of the complex German experience with migrations and xenophobia; The realization that the hopes placed on the "dividends of peace" at the end of the Cold War were vain; The analysis of the characteristics of a new megalomaniac, vengeful and death-loving terrorism, and a review of the brutal civil wars that have ravaged contemporary history. Why update some already published texts and put them together in one volume? The reason is quite simple: the conflicts they deal with have become so marked over the last twenty-five years that any attempt to minimize or deny them has proved irresponsible. It is necessary to continue talking about these issues. With optimism, but without denyin...read more


Category: All >> Literature >> Literary essay

Book: Ensayos sobre las discordias

ISBN: 9786078441617
Precio de lista: $255.00
Descuento: 10%