Entre estado y cosmopolis

Derecho y justicia en un mundo global

Entre estado y cosmopolis - Alfonso Ruiz Miguel - Trotta
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Terms such as "cosmopolitanism" and "globalization" have come to mean so many things that begins to be doubtful the opportunity and utility use. But even worn it is difficult to do without them when you want to present some core issues about the role of law, the State or justice in the world today.

The studies collected in this volume are not intended to close the various discussions on the scope of such concepts. Rather leave open in different ways the main stress to which the title refers, is there to choose between State and Cosmopolis when asked for the most basic standards of justice and the main forms and functions that today, in a world interdependent and complex, it takes the law?

Around the axis of the tension between state and Cosmopolis, the authors faced in its problematic character, a wide range of issues. Is being out of phase the 'Westphalian' system state...read more

Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Derecho

Book: Entre estado y cosmopolis

ISBN: 9788498794540
Precio de lista: $995.00
Descuento: 25%