Entre las calles vivas de las palabras

Prácticas de cultura escrita en el siglo XIX

Entre las calles vivas de las palabras -  AA.VV. - Trea
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We rarely stop to think about the implications offered by the fact develop our life in a world of letters. Our easy and daily relationship with the writing seems natural. However, reading and writing are social, cultural constructions and therefore historical, result of a long process that has been developed from specific communication needs. This paper explores the knowledge of popular practices written in the nineteenth century, when the use of writing was configured as a social necessity, to thereby deepen the understanding of the social conditions in which culture was read and written in the past. Despite having been in more than can be believed, the written testimonies of popular groups have undergone continuous and destructive processes today are still undergoing disposal practices and adaptation. The relegation, with no maintenance or destruction of the documents produced by th...read more


Book: Entre las calles vivas de las palabras

ISBN: 9788497042666
Precio de lista: $820.00
Descuento: 25%