Escenas extrañas en la mina de plata

Escenas extrañas en la mina de plata - Antonio Molinero Cardenal - Casimiro
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 544.3 g
Soft cover

It is possible to take pictures without a camera, but it is impossible to make images without light. This basic principle of photographic creation is the basic foundation of this book, which analyzes the history of the photogram (and other laboratory techniques) traditionally marginalized and ignored in the stories of current photography. This is the first story of the frame that is published in Spanish (and in other languages) with the incentive that it adapts to Spanish and reproduces an infinity of texts on the frame (and adjacent techniques) hitherto unpublished in our language, with its corresponding frame historical referential character, also analyzing the most significant aspects of the photogram of the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, with a notable presence of the contemporary photogram made in Spain.


Book: Escenas extrañas en la mina de plata

ISBN: 9788415715689
Precio de lista: $815.00
Descuento: 25%