"My grandfather, Gustav Landauer, was a writer well known in Germany. It was also very active in politics and was part of the Soviet Republic of Bavaria, after the fall of the Kaiser. When, in turn, that fell, He was taken to the police station and beat him to death. His best friend, who was also in the government, fled to Santa Fe, changed its name to B. Traven and wrote The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. "
Mike Nichols
Philosophy and Revolution: if the Kantian question of what we know (1781) is echoed decades later at the barricades and spring peoples, mauthneriana inquiry about the limits of language (1901-1902) will result in experience before revolutionary mystique. Landauer's skepticism asks about Mauthner that spawned its own mystique, which, in turn, spawned the Soviet Republic of Bavaria (1919) ..., the skeptic will experience the mystical quest silencing Communi...read more