Emmanuel Levinas The lectures given between 1948 and 1962 at the College Philosophique of Jean Wahl correspond to the period of the genesis of Totality and Infinity (1961), when the thought of Levinas was still confidential. But if the bulk of these texts is in the horizon of work that will be released, the first two, "Word and Silence" and "Powers and origin 'still connected with the theme of The existence to the existing and the time and the other. As for 'Metaphor' last lecture in this volume, part toward thinking 'otherwise than being', which will occupy the author after 1961 book.
Located outside of university education, and devoted to his duties as director of the Ecole Normale Israelite Oriental, Levinas regularly attended Collège Philosophique to exhibit his "philosophy in search." The College became the place where his thoughts had the opportunity to be heard and which...read more