Escritos sobre guerra, niños evacuados y desarrollo emocional primitivo. Volumen 2

Obras completas. Volumen 2

Escritos sobre guerra, niños evacuados y desarrollo emocional primitivo. Volumen 2 - D.W. Winnicott - Pólvora Editorial
Publisher name: 
Pólvora Editorial
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This second volume, titled Writings on War, Evacuated Children and Primitive Emotional Development, continues the publication in Spanish of the Complete Works of Donald W. Winnicott. The Complete Works have been compiled, edited, and annotated by a team of Winnicottian scholars. Presented chronologically in 12 volumes, the Complete Works of the English psychoanalyst constitute a set of clinical observations, consultations with boys and girls, psychoanalytic texts, correspondence, as well as unpublished works on topics that continue to be of interest to contemporary readers (such as mental health in childhood, motherhood, or its concepts of “good enough mother” and “transitional object”).

Volume 2 included the translation work of Winnicott Chile and was sponsored by the Andrés Bello National University (UNAB), through its Editorial Committee, and the UNAB School of Psychology.

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychoanalysis

Book: Escritos sobre guerra, niños evacuados y desarrollo emocional primitivo. Volumen 2

ISBN: 9789569441837
Precio de lista: $790.00
Descuento: 10%