Estrategias De Investigacion Cualitativa Vol. II

Estrategias De Investigacion Cualitativa Vol. II -  AA.VV. - Gedisa
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The proposal that we made here seeks to offer an updated study of a large part of the different issues that today give life to the plot, the network, the anchoring, the promise, the possibilities, the alternatives of qualitative research. This is the reason why we incorporate problems, perspectives, traditions that we had not considered in volume I, and that assume more and more relevance, such as: the nature of the relationship between ethics, epistemology and qualitative research ( Episode 2); the nature of the link between people and peoples and those who investigate (epilogue); the problems related to validity together with the proposal of procedural validity (chapter 1), and the place and use of the theory in qualitative research (chapter 3). Likewise, new resources and methodological strategies are introduced, such as those derived from the use of photography in qualitative more


Book: Estrategias De Investigacion Cualitativa Vol. II

ISBN: 9788417835033
Precio de lista: $870.00
Descuento: 20%