Existe dios?

Existe dios? - Hans  Küng - Trotta
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Hard cover

The years since the first publication of this work have not detracted from it, "for the role of religion in the lay States is the subject of vehement discussions in the times that are in Spain and in Europe, and behind these debates lies the deeper question of whether a modern and enlightened man can defend in the face of reason , and in what way, faith in God".
Hans Kong eludes both fideist naivety (with Descartes) and ideological rationalism (with Pascal), tackling the challenges of modern atheism (Feuerbach, Marx and Freud) and postmodern nihilism (Nietzsche). The result of both has been the questioning of fundamental certainties: those relating to religious faith and those concerning the consistency and sense of reality in general. This result is irrefutable, but at the same time inconclusive, for Kong. "Yes to reality", as an alternative to nihilism, from a position of radi...read more

Category: All >> Theology

Book: Existe dios?

ISBN: 9788498797909
Precio de lista: $1,995.00
Descuento: 25%