Fábulas y leyendas de Corea

Fábulas y leyendas de Corea -  AA.VV. - Quaterni
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 500 g
Soft cover

This collection of Korean legends based on the three great religions of the Far East (Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism) will serve as a guide for anyone who wants to delve into the depths of the Eastern soul and discover the peculiar creatures that inhabit it. In them we will discover that witches exist and can be honored, we will face giants who devour men and spiteful snakes, we will visit enchanted houses and we will learn why we should not fear goblins and goblins. Fifty-three stories full of magic, nostalgia and many ghosts that are published for the first time in Spanish more than a hundred years later.


Book: Fábulas y leyendas de Corea

ISBN: 9788494716935
Precio de lista: $248.00
Descuento: 10%