Felicidad dual 

Bert Hellinger y su psicoterapia sistémica

Felicidad dual  - Gunthard  Weber - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 470 g

This book was designed for psychotherapists and professionals in the fields psychosocial, educational and pastoral (social workers, teachers, educators, judges, marriage counselors, pastors, etc.).. The scope of the ideas presented, however, what about all those people also seek opportunities to overcome their relational crisis. The texts deal with the conditions that contribute to success or failure of the relationship between man and woman, between parents and children. Address the "Orders of Love," the consequences of a breach of this order and, above all, positive solutions to their problems. Focus at all times fundamental processes of human life and family life, such as the right to form, the exclusion of any member of the family, the "take" the parents, equality of rights in the relationship partner, the assent to destiny. Understandings and procedures Bert Hellinger immediately...read more


Book: Felicidad dual 

ISBN: 842542108X
Precio de lista: $1,090.00
Descuento: 30%