Feminismo, cultura y política

Prácticas irreverentes

Feminismo, cultura y política - Mónica Inés Cejas Cejas - Itaca
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 250 g
Soft cover

This book is a complex plot about culture as power and power as culture woven collectively from the personal that becomes political, from women and irreverent practices that challenge the established order using resources that come from the margins. Such is the case of the fragmented writing of the message that becomes a critical manifesto, but also of women's graffiti as writing and possible practice in a space conceived as exclusively masculine; of the protesting cry of the rock girls and their ways of appropriating the stage; of the concept of the body as a collective construction that would allow the decolonization of bodies; of subversive creativity applied to protest to demonstrate for the recognition and celebration of diversity; of silence as a form of political subversion and re(ex)resistance in popular figures like La Llorona, and of the photographic image, which for so long...read more

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Book: Feminismo, cultura y política

ISBN: 9786072809895