Filosofía política

Arqueología de un saber indisciplinado

Filosofía política - Ángel Octavio Álvarez Solis - Ibero
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Soft cover

When, in the 19th century, Goethe stated that "all theory is gray and only the tree of life is green," he never imagined that, two hundred years later, theory would constitute the chromatic radiance of the world. Political Philosophy is neither a history book of political philosophy nor a normative political theory: it is an argumentative experiment that contains the archaeological conjectures of Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben and Arnold Davidson, to think about political philosophy as a discursive practice. The main thesis contains an impolitical, archaeological proposal: the "theory" of political philosophy can be based on the historical review of the discipline, the analysis of the epistemiological foundations and the description of the methodologies by which the Political philosophy is perceived as conceptual analysis of political languages. Therefore, this book systematizes a more


Book: Filosofía política

ISBN: 9786074177244
Precio de lista: $320.00
Descuento: 15%