Filosofía qom

Teoría toba sobre la alteridad

Filosofía qom -  AA.VV. - Editorial Las cuarenta
Publisher name: 
Editorial Las cuarenta
Year of publication: 

For those who still doubt the existence of a political and philosophical thought characteristic of indigenous groups located on the margins of Latin American societies, this book —which includes the reflections of a Qom (Toba) thinker from the Argentine Chaco— should allow them to challenge your deepest prejudices. For those who see the resurgence of Amerindian peoples as a threat to the political unity of the “New World” nations, Timoteo's thoughts should lead them to abandon their Eurocentric bias and start thinking about the possibility of a truly multicultural future. For those who label as reactionary, romanticist or anti-rational all criticism of the capitalist productivist development model, this voice that emerged from the silenced Americas should lead them to broaden their sociological imagination and become aware that irrationality is rather on the side of a model predatory more


Book: Filosofía qom

ISBN: 9789871501922