
La experiencia de la verdad en la época de la reproductibilidad mediática

Fraude - Daniel Mundo - Sequitur
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

This book is not an apology for fraud (we have read so many apologies!), it is not about endorsing deception, violated freedom, shattered illusion and landing in an inconsistent relativism, but about redefining the term and practice of fraud, beyond its moral value. In the past, fraud was on the side of deception, lies, concealment or copying in a world where what mattered was truth, transparency and authenticity. Now we suspect that behind the game of showing off and concealing there are only ghosts. In any case, that dichotomous world has disappeared.


Book: Fraude

ISBN: 9788415707158
Precio de lista: $395.00
Descuento: 25%