Gabinete de lectura. Poesía visual chilena

Gabinete de lectura. Poesía visual chilena - Alberto Madrid Letelier - Ediciones Metales pesados
Publisher name: 
Ediciones Metales pesados
Year of publication: 
Hard cover

In 2008 the curator of the critic and art theorist Alberto Madrid had as a script the quotation from part of a verse by Huidobro - spavers - enunciated in ALTAZOR, in addition to the antecedent of PAINTED POEMS (Exposition Salle XIV, Paris, 1922). The selection of poets is based on their research on the page and the book support, as well as their extensions as registration area and other procedures that problematize the relationship of the word and image, using typographic, iconographic and object resources, among others. The curatoría has the character of a sample that allows in its diagram to visualize the different operations and procedures of the relation of the words and the images that deconstruct the tradition of the illustrated book. This destructuring redefines the codes for a syntactic-formal renewal of page space and the expansion of the book as a container.

Category: All >> Philosophy >> Esthetics

Book: Gabinete de lectura. Poesía visual chilena

ISBN: 9789568415396