Gabriela Mistral

Somos los andinos que fuimos

Gabriela Mistral - Magda Sepulveda - Editorial Cuarto Propio
Publisher name: 
Editorial Cuarto Propio
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 260 g

This book includes a dedicated investigation on the figure of Gabriela Mistral and her work. Through a critical analysis, Mistral's poems begin to enable new readings that are related to the current context, highlighting two topics: the significance of the Andean region and the revaluation of the single mother of the 20th century.

Regarding the structure of the book, it is divided into five chapters elaborated around trans-Andean cultural studies, to Mistral from the social imaginary, to the Desolation in front of the colonized Patagonia; a bitter song of Chilean childhood in Tenderness; the recovery of the Andes that was cut down; the feminist side in Lagar; the defense of the indigenous in Poema de Chile and the literary agency processes of an audacious woman of the first half of the 20th century.

Category: All >> Literature >> Literary essay

Book: Gabriela Mistral

ISBN: 9789562609951