Genealogía crítica de la violencia

Hacia la liberación del espacio político-religioso del cuerpo de las mujeres

Genealogía crítica de la violencia - María del Carmen Servitje Montull - Ibero
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Soft cover

This work is the result of the papers presented at the First Continental Congress of Feminist Theology, sponsored by the "Carmen Montull Vallés" Chair of Feminist Theology and the Ibero-American University, which, from their context, situation and academy, show the multiple aspects and faces of violence. The approach to the topic of women's bodies in their diversity and ambivalence, as a space of their own, sacred and subject of law, is shared in a polysemic manner by each of the authors of the texts, allowing us to glimpse the tip of the iceberg of the global, and specifically continental, situation of this "world pandemic", as the UN has called it, to propose equivalent relationships that help free more than half of humanity from injustice and inequity.

Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Género

Book: Genealogía crítica de la violencia

ISBN: 9786074176643
Precio de lista: $350.00
Descuento: 15%