Gestión estratégica del riesgo de desastres

La protección civil. Acción y conciencia social para salvar vidas

Gestión estratégica del riesgo de desastres - Roberto Téllez Robledo - Navarra
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Book size:
Soft cover

According to the Network of Social Studies on Disaster Prevention in Latin America, risks are considered to be disturbing agents such as geological, hydrometeorological, industrial chemical, ecological, sanitary, anthropogenic, and aerospace. Some of these are considered natural and others are socio-organizational and socially constructed. Due to the compilation of data before and during the 20th century, the impacts of disasters have required the attention of scholars, researchers, study centers, and authorities close to the affected populations, although not always in a timely manner, which is why several and varied forms of prevention, assistance, and recovery have been developed. In recent decades, in accordance with the results of Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IGRM), a new, more specific hypothesis has been introduced, with more advanced tools: Strategic Disaster Risk more


Book: Gestión estratégica del riesgo de desastres

ISBN: 9786078789801