Guía ilustrada de monstruos y fantasmas de Japón

Guía ilustrada de monstruos y fantasmas de Japón - Sekien Toriyama - Quaterni
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Weight: 1000 g
Soft cover

Terrifying specters and amazing creatures, kappa and other supernatural animals, yōkai, demons of rain and fog ... Editorial Quaterni publishes for the first time in a western language the most famous and recognized collection of monsters and ghosts in the history of Japan, a masterpiece of Japanese mythology. Sekien Toriyama was the first artist to draw an anthology or illustrated guide to the popular myths of the Japanese tradition. Their demons and spirits, original of 1776, have lasted until our days because they suppose the only visual representation that exists of them. For this reason, they are the origin of many of the fantastic characters that appear in the manga and anime of the 20th and 21st centuries. A work of reference both for those interested in Japan and for those who love the Gothic novel and mystery.


Book: Guía ilustrada de monstruos y fantasmas de Japón

ISBN: 9788494180293
Precio de lista: $328.00
Descuento: 10%