Guía para estudiantes de ciencia política

Métodos y recursos

Guía para estudiantes de ciencia política - Stephen van Evera - Gedisa
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 300.5 g
Soft cover

The six studies in this volume offer an introduction of much common sense to qualitative research methods in political science and sociology, which are also valid for studies in anthropology, economics, and history.
With a direct and transparent style, Van Evera teaches simple ways to approach work with theories. Unlike many treatises on scientific methods, this book does not take anything for granted and explains what any student really needs to know: what a good theory is, what elements it contains, how they should be formulated and what rules should be followed when applying the theories.

In the themes that serve as a model, the work places all its emphasis on the study of cases, since it is an approach that is generally neglected by the methodology.

The practical tips for formulating a thesis topic and writing it successfully are guided by the most proven more


Book: Guía para estudiantes de ciencia política

ISBN: 9788474328615
Precio de lista: $520.00
Descuento: 20%