Hacer tiempo. Estrategias críticas del arte en lo político

Hacer tiempo. Estrategias críticas del arte en lo político - Edwin Culp Morando - Ibero
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Year of publication: 
Soft cover

We do not have time; Never before has productivity dominated every aspect of life. Our personal experiences are appropriated as extractive goods by the data industry. Critical art today still allows us to imagine a time that cannot be appropriated by the story of progress and the use of time, that postpones usefulness and recovers the experience of the availability and contingency of duration. Through the analysis of contemporary pieces based on time (cinema, theater and video installation), this book explores different ways in which art is capable of making time, of interrupting, delaying and suspending productive flows with its criticism and thus overturning the viewer towards the possibility of action. The text extends the proposals of W. Benjamín on criticism and those of B. Brecht on didactics, distancing and epic, to situate strategies where contemporary art affects the construc...read more


Book: Hacer tiempo. Estrategias críticas del arte en lo político

ISBN: 9786074176971
Precio de lista: $250.00
Descuento: 15%