Man, who as we all know does not live by bread alone, is not satisfied by concepts alone. I am referring – this is a book – to the reflective man, to the one who for some reason has managed to escape the circus of the incessant solicitation of images – visual and auditory above all – of the incessant market, and also to the insidious slogans of propaganda, that net that at all times – and now all the time – is thrown upon us – wolves, rather than shepherds – by those who have the power to do so. In modernity, that proud and Promethean age that, according to another hegemonic discourse, we “emerging countries” are still striving to reach, when Europeans realized more than a century ago, the poor, that the destiny of humanity is, at best – the myth of building a paradise of progress, justice and happiness realized on the very earth – nothing more than a grotesque deception, in the Age o...read more