Hannah Arendt. pluralidad y juicio, revista anthropos 224

La lectura secreta de un pensar diferente

Hannah Arendt. pluralidad y juicio, revista anthropos 224 -  AA.VV. - Anthropos
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Soft cover

Biography of Hanna Arendt. / Brief topography of a recycled imagination. / Scientific chronology. / Bibliography of and about Hannah Arendt. / From banality to the liquefaction of evil: current rereading of totalitarianism. / Emocracy, propaganda and martyrdom in National Socialism. / Think about politics and communication from the appearance. / A pedagogy of the world. Approach to the philosophy of education of Hannah Arendt. / Distrust: critical considerations regarding their educational thinking. / Note on Hannah Arendt and feminisms. / Euthanasia through the thought of H. Arendt. / Labyrinths: The silenced voice of a Continent – Abya Yala


Book: Hannah Arendt. pluralidad y juicio, revista anthropos 224

ISBN: 9771137363009-224
Precio de lista: $315.00
Descuento: 25%