Due to the tragic dimension of the horrors committed by the Nazi regime many people have difficulty taking a comic look at Hitler and Nazism. Every time someone does it is accused of downplaying importance and trivializing the Holocaust, but the truth is that there is a long history of jokes about it. In this book, the first on comedy and satire in the Third Reich, Herzog brings together all the manifestations of humor: caricatures, cabaret, variety shows, entertainment, movies, pop songs and musicals. In this way it shows us how the ridiculous image of the Fuhrer was by no means a post-war invention.
In the early years of the regime many Germans mocked Hitler and other senior officials, a fascinating and terrifying story: the suppression of the anti-fascist cabaret scene of the 1930s, the jokes during World War II, the collections of "whispered jokes" published in the media at...read more