Historia Critica del Sindicalismo

De los Orígenes hasta el Partido Laborista

Historia Critica del Sindicalismo - Hernán Aragón - Ediciones IPS
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Ediciones IPS
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From the first decade of the twentieth century until the emergence of Peronism, much of the history of the Argentine labor movement was marked by the stamp of "syndicalism." Hernán Aragón explores it historically in this essay, giving an account of its different variants and mutations. From its explosive appearance as "revolutionary syndicalism", through its turn to increasingly conciliatory positions typical of a reformist current, the book culminates at the moment when syndicalism buries one of its fundamental postulates, political dispensation, playing a key role in the formation of the political organization that will allow Perón's rise to power. the Labour Party. On each of these moments, Critical History of Syndicalism makes a sharp analysis, subjecting the syndicalist strategy to a political critique. Thus, the author demystifies those visions that denied the influence of the ...read more

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Book: Historia Critica del Sindicalismo

ISBN: 9789872271770