Historia de Grecia antigua

Historia de Grecia antigua - Francisco Javier Gómez Espelosín - Akal
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The history of ancient Greece is characterized by its enormous diversity despite the apparent supremacy of Athens, which shines with its own light and seems to overshadow the rest of the Greek world. Along with the political form of the pólis there was another different type of organization, such as the ethnos, of a tribal nature, in which numerous Greek states were organized. Nor is the history of Greece reduced only to classical Athens and the periods immediately before and after it; The Greek world takes its roots from the pre-Hellenic substratum that is drawn in the Aegean civilizations and continues fully alive after the conquest of Alexander during the Hellenistic and Roman periods, despite the abrupt change of political scenario. In this book we have tried to reflect this spatial and chronological diversity, focusing attention on the different regions of the Greek world from As...read more


Category: All >> History >> Antiquity Europe

Book: Historia de Grecia antigua

ISBN: 9788446014287
Precio de lista: $810.00
Descuento: 20%