Historia de la matemática Volumen I

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Historia de la matemática Volumen I - José Babini - Gedisa
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History of Mathematics, vol. I is fundamental to understanding the origin of mathematics and its establishment as a science reading. This volume has its beginnings in prehistory, step by mathematical Babylonian, Greek and Roman, to end the ancient knowledge in the Middle Ages with Arabic writings as intermediaries. "The book [...] is not intended as a sum of encyclopedic knowledge [...], but to make all that is essential to follow the development of the basic ideas from antiquity to today." "The text is republished now [...], have barely aged [...] and the most interesting innovations that have occurred at both ends of the story: in the ancient Babylonian science and that of contemporary mathematics, I hope [...] serve to awaken in young new vocations in these matters. "(From the Foreword by Juan Vernet) This work represents the culmination of two eminent professors who dedicated his ...read more


Book: Historia de la matemática Volumen I

ISBN: 9788497847803
Precio de lista: $390.00
Descuento: 20%