Historia prohibida de América

Historia prohibida de América - Dario Fo - Siruela
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 258 g
Rustic with flaps

The unofficial story of the conquest of North America, told by an illustrious rebel of our time.

Classic Hollywood movies told a thousand times the story of the defeated Indians. But they always ignored that of the only tribe that never surrendered: the Seminoles, a peaceful and matriarchal society from which unforgettable figures emerged like John Horse - a fierce leader who incited rebellion and the flight of black slaves -, Mae Tiger - first woman of her line with higher education and who would go on to preside over the Indian nation — or James Billie — Vietnam veteran who defeated the drug empire upon his return home.

Halfway between the essay and the novelistic recreation, the Italian nobel offers us an alternative vision of American history, rescuing little-known episodes and characters of the Indian resistance to make a heroic time story: from the first settlement...read more


Book: Historia prohibida de América

ISBN: 9788418245558
Precio de lista: $765.00
Descuento: 25%