Historias locales / diseños globales

Colonialidad, conocimientos subalternos y pensamiento fronterizo

Historias locales / diseños globales - Walter Mignolo - Akal
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 680 g

This book analyzes the articulation of the coloniality of power understood as one of the privileged vectors of the capitalist world-system since its original configuration in the 16th century. The modern world-system is unintelligible if coloniality is not incorporated as a fundamental axis of its constitution. Throughout its pages, the author introduces the notion of "colonial difference" and traces the emergence of new forms of knowledge that he calls "border thinking" to criticize the predominant epistemic conformation both in the social sciences and in the area of cultural studies. From this derives a geopolitics of knowledge that is inextricably linked with the coloniality of knowledge, on the one hand, and with the description made by postcolonial theory and its evolution in recent years, on the other.


Book: Historias locales / diseños globales

ISBN: 9788446015840
Precio de lista: $1,180.00
Descuento: 20%