Hitler. Solo el mundo basta

Hitler. Solo el mundo basta - Brendan Peter Simms - Galaxia Gutenberg
Publisher name: 
Galaxia Gutenberg
Year of publication: 
Hard cover

This book offers a political and intellectual biography of Hitler, from his first conception of German history and his role in the world in the wake of the defeat in the First World War, to the conviction that the main enemy was neither communism nor the Soviet Union, nor international Judaism. as has been repeated so far, but Anglo-Saxon capitalism and, mainly, the United States. While most historians have argued that Hitler underestimated the American threat, Simms shows that Hitler embarked on a preemptive war against the United States precisely because he considered it the main adversary and the only one who could destroy Germany. The Nazi domination over practically all of Europe, the war against the USSR and the annihilation of European Jewry were chapters in a race against time to turn the Third Reich into a power capable of confronting the Anglo-Saxon leadership and, if not d...read more

Category: All >> History >> Biography

Book: Hitler. Solo el mundo basta

ISBN: 9788418218521
Precio de lista: $1,195.00
Descuento: 25%