Homero, Ilíada

Homero, Ilíada - Alessandro Baricco - Anagrama
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Homer's Iliad continues to sing from the depths of the centuries. He sings fifty-one days of the last year of a war that will lead, a decade later, to the conquest and destruction of the city of Troy. He sings of the gods, men and heroes. Guided by the idea of adapting the text for a public reading, Alessandro Baricco rereads and rewrites Homer's Iliad, constructing a concertato of twenty-one voices with the original material; The Homeric characters are called on stage to relate, with a voice very close to us, their story of passions and blood, their great war, their great adventure.

«Attractive Iliad, rewritten in a fast and vibrant rhythm... It knows how to preserve its superb skeleton, its monumental presence and its tragic depth» (Carlos García Gual, El País).

«I have literally devoured Baricco's Iliad. It is beautiful, subtle, enveloping from beginning to end” (Robe...read more


Book: Homero, Ilíada

ISBN: 9788433973832