Humanidad vivida


Humanidad vivida - Hans  Küng - Trotta
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"Life goes on, but how?". This is what Hans Küng wondered at their lowest ebb, when Pope withdrew ecclesiastical teaching license. It happened than anyone expected: Hans Küng not surrender, but displayed their capacity as universal thinker, beyond the criticism of the Church. In the last three decades of his life, his great achievements, but also their bitter experiences, accountable in this third installment of his memoirs. Not only tells the effort to open up new fields of study and activity, from ecumenism of religions of the world to the "global ethic". He also speaks frankly of the issues that are presented in the evening of life and that concern all men. These reports are narrative and reflection at once: the history of the present, of Church history, theology and religions. Humanity lived with all its lights and shadows.

Category: All >> Theology

Book: Humanidad vivida

ISBN: 9788498795547
Precio de lista: $2,035.00
Descuento: 25%